Eagle Sponsorships
Click here to sign up for any of these sponsorships. Then click on New Registration. Then click on Sponsorships, Contests & Add-Ons. You can take it from there!
Presenting Sponsor (Every benefit you can think of!) – $2,500 + SOLD OUT - LISA & MARK FISHMAN
- Prominent ID on all banners, virtual signage, 1 full-screen GPS sign, TBE Bulletin ads, Logo on website (you provide), recognition in Event Sheets and PA announcements and during The BIG Show.
Premium Gift Co-Sponsor (1 for every golfer & volunteer!) - $2,000 - SOLD OUT - LISA & MARK FISHMAN
Premium Gilf Co-Sporntor (1 for every golfer & volunteer!) - $2,000 - SOLD OUT - MOSAIC CONSTRUCTION
- Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, virtual signage, 1 full-page GPS ad, ID as sponsor of Premium Gift in PA announcements, recognition in Event Sheet and during The BIG Show.
- Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, virtual signage, on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, 1 full-page GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Show.
Golf Cart Sponsor (Recognition on every cart) - $700 - SOLD OUT - SHALOM MEMORIAL PARK
- Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, virtual signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, 1 full-page GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Show.
Raffle Sponsor (Great recognition at event!) - $1,000 - SOLD OUT - KOVITZ INVESTMENTS & THE WEININGER FAMILY
- Prominent ID on all banners, TBE Bulletin ads, virtual signage, ID on Event Sheet, Logo (you provide) on website, 1 full-page GPS ad, ID on PA announcements and recognition during The BIG Show.
Have a question about sponsorship? Email Ric Bachrach, Steve Levin or Andy Cohen.